

The digital library is located in

In the ARTISTS option (left menu) you can see all the artists who exhibit their works on the platform. Click on "Information about the artist" and you will find the following information: the name of the artist and next to it, in brackets, the institution that supports him/her, a short biography and, on the right, all his/her works.


By clicking on the artist's works you can see additional information about each work, such as title, description, characteristics

In the ARTWORKS option (left menu) you can see all the artworks available on the platform. Here you can filter your selection using categories or tags. For example, clicking on the tag photography will only show you photos and not paintings.


 In the EXHIBITIONS option (left menu) you can see the galleries where the artworks are exhibited.



Virtual and augmented reality options


To browse the virtual gallery rooms where the artworks are displayed, you must:

1.  Click on the link "You can download the Gallery from this link" to download and save to your computer a file folder named

2. Open the folder and extract the items to the desktop (click on each item and once they are marked click on the extract to option).

3. Double click on the Art4Psy.exe file to enter the gallery.

4. On the home screen, on the left, you can see the galleries.

5.To enter a room, first click on the name of the room and then on the START (bottom right of the screen). Then press the left option (the icon with the keyboard and mouse). Once you have entered the room you can navigate the room using the keyboard arrows  ↑ to move forward, ↓ to move backward, ← to move left, and → to move to the right). To turn or rotate (right or left, up or down) right-click the mouse and while holding down the key move the mouse in the desired direction.

6.While browsing, when you are near a work of art, passing the cursor over the artwork, it is surrounded by a green frame and the following information is displayed at the bottom of the green box: The title of the work, the name of the work, the name of the artist and next to the name, in brackets, the institution that supports the work.

By clicking on the work when it is in the green frame, you can see more information regarding the artwork. You can close the information by clicking on the red top right of the tab.









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